Friday, May 31, 2013


Tuesday was a really great day, out of nowhere Tuesday morning his site started to heal. Except, I told no one because that doesn't mean anything in terms of him getting better. His condition can take a turn for the worst in the next second. The only thing it serves as is a lifter for everyone's smile knowing he's not in pain with a dry dressing. The secretions aren't on his skin eating it away. However that night, things took a turn for the worst....exactly like I said they could.

The week spiraled downward from there but we are managing. Last night Jacob woke up crying which he never does...found out his dressing was completely soaked with gastric secretions, eating away at his skin. He was in a great deal of pain. Today, our nurse changed the dressing and it had soaked through everything. He has a bag that is now connected to his GJ tube draining additional secretions and it still cannot drain them all. We are yet again in waiting mode. But Jacob is in tough shape right now. Mom took him back to the hospital this morning....we are all just hoping he doesn't get admitted. It doesn't make a difference where he's at, the hospital cannot do anything more than we are.

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