Thursday, May 9, 2013

Where are you in life at this very second?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose ~Romans 8:28
200 people almost lost their lives today. That's mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, daughters and sons, people of God. That's 200 precious souls that would've been turned to ash just like that. What if you were one of those people? The fact that me and 199 other people didn't die tonight is indeed a miracle. By no means am I bragging, I'm stating the fact of what could have been a fatal scenario.

The scenario that has really pushed me over the edge happend tonight. On my last flight home; with the other 199 passengers. It's hard not to think about it, but I wouldn't be here typing this tonight. I'd be buried with everyone else under the rubble of a crashed plane....but here I am and all of those passengers home safe or, wherever they were headed. The point is, is that they are safe and alive. That wasn't going to be the case tonight and I cannot get over that fact. In mid air our plane caught on fire, one of the engines blew. I knew something wasn't right by the way the plane was moving and how it sounded but I didn't think too much of it. As soon as we landed we were swarmed with fire trucks. I couldn't see the actual truck because of all the smoke but I saw all of the flashing lights coming towards us. No, I'm not stuck in the "what if" "past life" thoughts I'm stuck in thinking about that I would not have been satisfied if I died tonight. There is a whole big world out there, even Charlotte alone and I have not completed God's mission, I don't think I'm anywhere close to finishing any of his work he's called upon me to do. In addition, living everyday with God in mind. Not so much with thinking about him but every action I do; doing it for the love of God; allowing Jesus to shine through my body; the temple of the Holy Spirit.  So with that said, how was I so incredibly blessed to witness our savior coming to 200 people's rescue tonight?

The fact of the matter is every single day is a blessing. Everyone hears it, that every day is a gift but until you're put into a situation where you may lose that gift, you don't know what all you've lost. It's really about the saying "you don't know what you've lost until it's gone." But in the case of our lives, it will be too late once we lose that life. So I'm here tonight and every day after, living it as a gift from God and I'm telling all of you to do the same. Also, I've linked a song below that I would like you all to listen to. It sums up everything I'm explaining in a nut shell. I find more meaning in music then what people tell me sometimes so if that's the case....listen to it!

I say the rosary every day, even if I can only do one decade at a time over the course of 24 hours, I say as much as I can. It's my protection, saves other souls, and blesses me beyond words I can explain. God's works are not explainable, it's something you need to experience for yourself to truly understand the power of his love and glory. I'd be lost without it and I find it as my comfort; being far from home I would sit in my dorm room and pray the rosary for hours. You just know God's presence is there; it's overwhelming and in the best way possible. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Oh, and you know what? I said my rosary today. I was waiting for my friend to wake up and take me to the airport so while I waited I started it. Then on my flight out of Charlotte I tried to finish it. Do I think the rosary had a part in lives being saved tonight? Absolutely. And who's to say that I'm the only one saying prayers? I'm sure there are many other people on that flight who prayed or had others praying. Most of the plane didn't even know we were on fire, I didn't know until we finally landed but it's still crazy to think about. That's what I want you all to think about tonight, not about me and the almost plane crash but your individual lives. If something were to happen would you really be happy? Do you wake up in the morning happy with your decisions? Do you feel God's love in your life or are you trying to provide your own love and happiness? Not every day will be a good day but it is nothing you cannot turn around with the help of God. Your souls will be much lighter and brighter if you allow God to shine through them. How do you do that you ask? Pray and don't stop. You can ask God any question you want and you will get an answer. Don't lose hope and don't give up, I'm praying for all of you.

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