Sunday, May 12, 2013

In need of a miracle.

I don't know how to start this blog post, I'm extremely frustrated with everything right now. Jacob's stoma is not holding. We have been dealing with this for six months now and nothing is working, absolutely nothing. There are no options left, we have tried everything and anything. My parents have been nothing but remarkable people throughout this entire ordeal. They stay up all night just so every twenty minutes they can force fluids in him in hopes that some will make it into his stomach. We are all working so hard. The feedings you stick in can just pour right back out because the stoma is not closing. He's run out of options; his only option is being admitted into the hospital. A lot of good that will do. They can't do anything that we are not doing. If this stupid stoma won't close, there is nothing anybody else can do unless, there is some type of research out there that we haven't heard of. I've spent countless hours researching any type of a cure or strategy to help him but no such thing exists. Every problem documented that I've seen is helped through methods we have already tried. I'm overwhelmed and confused, my family and I are on pins and needles right now. My mom started saying a Novena that you have to say once every hour for nine hours every day. We are absolutely 100% desperate for a miracle. I can't write the whole story out right now, I need to go say a rosary or maybe ten just helped to vent a little of my worry. Seeing what he goes through kills me; you might as well stab me, nothing can be more painful than seeing my brother go through what he is. Yet, he's nothing but smiles no matter what happens on any given day. He won't complain, he takes everything in stride as if it were a pure blessing from God. I don't have any other way to describe it. I love him so much and just want him to be okay, I want his stoma to close so he can go back to being the four year old he was meant to be.

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