Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Coming Out Saved

Dear God,

Thank you for saving my baby brother. Words do not hold enough meaning for the amount of thankfulness I hold in my heart for you saving him. You have been with my family through this entire journey; You have stuck through the lack of faith people lost during this journey and never left our sides. Those lonely nights while I was at school knowing what was awaiting me back home you stuck by me. I considered you my best friend and my God then and consider you my best friend and my God now and forever. You have given this family such great gifts even if they involve highly stressful years. The peace you give me is overwhelming but in the best way. I see it now, I see how everything led up to this God you have a reason for everything, I think every one of your children should know that. Not just hear it but truly understand it; embrace it. There were many lessons to be learned from this journey and I'm thankful for every single one of them. I feel that my family is blessed after seeing your work first hand.

 Miracles, they are a beautiful thing and one of the greatest blessing you can give us. Our journey is far from over, I realize that but we are through one of the biggest hurdles that impacted his life. I'm running to you now because things are looking up but I would also run to you if things turned out differntly. I so badly what to scream to the world how you save and that your love is everywhere. I suppose that's why I'm writing this on the blog and not just telling you from my that all of the people who have been reading this blog, in their tough times can go to you for strength and know you will never abandon them; that when they think they have lost everything, you are there waiting with arms wide open, to offer them your love. I have experienced it, it is amazing and glorious. You can make a person feel safe, comforted, hopeful, and loved during the darkest of times in their life. Thank you for never leaving me or the ones I love....

I want to start out by offering everyone who has been praying for my brother a HUGE thank you! <3 You have no idea the power of prayer and your prayers saved my little brother. I cannot thank you enough, truly you have absolutely no idea how much this means to me and my family. Whether I know you or not, I am forever grateful for your support and prayers. This has been a very long months to be exact. It is far from over but we are over one of the biggest hurdles. We need these sutures to hold for about 30 days; it's difficult getting them to hold for even two weeks but his doctors are hopeful. 

Does that mean everyday we will have about a five minute anxiety attack every time the dressing is changed to check for leakage and loose sutures? Absolutely. If the sutures don't hold then we go to plan B. There was no plan B until he entered the hospital yesterday, they hadn't thought of it until yesterday. We would all prefer if it didn't come down to that plan though because it's about as difficult as the surgical process and twice if not tripple the healing time.  But the major celebration (I choose to call it that) is that the fears I have been expressing in past blogs are no longer a major issue. I suppose it could still happen but it's slim...I will continue to pray (just in case). 

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