Tuesday, June 4, 2013

So far so good

Time is running short so this post will be short. Jacob is a happy, smiley four year old. He is a long way from recovery yet but he's in a lot less pain than he has been. We are all holding our breath because his dressing has been dry. The surgeon actually placed a farrell valve bag which is what the gastric secretions drain into instead of on his skin. We were still having problems with secretions draining around his site but thanks to God, out of nowhere it stopped. However, lately he hasn't been draining as much into the bag and the hole is not small enough to not drain at all. So, we worry if the secretions aren't draining in the bag because they will be on his skin. But today is a good day, I have no problems to report so I'll take it for all it's worth. If something happens tonight or tomorrow we will deal with it then.

For now we are just pushing on through with our lives. I'm taking one of the three tests I need to tomorrow in order to obtain my driver's license before we leave for Disney. I've also started a charity for foster children that keeps me busy. In addition, I'm working on my job certification for a particular company so when I go back to Charlotte I can get to work within the first month of returning. I've got an apartment down there, a car, and soon to be me! I'm excited to go back, I know it's where God needs me to be and I'm thrilled to continue his work down there. But that's as far into the future as I'm getting into, I went too far anyways. Today isn't even over yet; I'm still working with today's events haha!

So with that said, I hope you all are enjoying your day~ all is well here for now!

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