Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Turning blue in simpler tems

I think it's important that you understand exactly what is going on in simple terms. I'm a bit scatterbrained at the moment if you haven't noticed by my writing. Yesterday as you've read, Jacob stopped breathing. He stopped because he was so dehydrated that he couldn't "liquify" his secretions in his lungs enough to cough them up, which caused a plug in his airway. It's severe anytime it happens but yesterday we had a difficult time bringing him back. My family and I have been trained to deal with medical emergencies and they have certainly occurred but in all our experiences, they haven't been this bad. Jacob's dependency on oxygen has significantly increased compared to the past year. Usually he only needs 2 liters but lately we have had to have him on 4 liters of oxygen. If he were to require anymore than 4 liters, he would have to be placed back on a ventilator.

In addition to his resurfaced pulmonary issues, his stoma has enlarged. The pressure of the balloon and the disk that hold the tube in place were too much (so I'm gathering) which caused the expansion of the hole. If you want me to be honest, we are basically back to square one again. His surgeon is worried as well and when she worries, we worry.

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