Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Not the best news today

I'm figuring out the key to life is balance. Balancing your faith, family and friends, academics, work, and health. My blood sugar is low, my electrolytes are low, and my protein is low. They are so low that when I replenish them, there are no reserves after they get used up. So I'm constantly eating to try and keep them up. I'd like to avoid any hospital visitations as long as I can. 

Speaking of hospitals though, Jacob is going back today which is a major let down. Earlier in the week we had an issue with his farrell valve bag draining but we thought we fixed it....we did, for about two days. His wound looks awful today because the secretions can't drain into the farrell valve bag so they drain out the stomach. That then causes those highly acidic secretions to begin eating away at Jacob's skin. It only takes a couple of hours for these secretions to do damage because the tissues are newly formed and oh-so sensitive. Jacob's surgeon thinks that the tube may be kinked or bent inside his stomach. I have no idea how that can happen so as far as offering an explanation for it, I do not have one. 

In addition, we just started him on BiPAP. In case you don't know what that is, it's a ventilator to assist him with breathing. He can still breathe on his own if he chooses but the BiPAP forces a specific amount of air into his lungs. That way, if he is not breathing on his own as efficiently as we'd like the BiPAP will force more air in. His pulmonologist seems to think that he is so dependent on oxygen because he has a binder that may be compromising his breathing (refer to blog posts 1 and 2 for binder description). It's not good news per say to have him on a vent, but it is only temporary. There do not seem to be any additional issues with his body that may be affecting his breathing.

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