Friday, January 10, 2014

Stop Looking and Just Enjoy. You're Awesome.

I wish people would stop looking and just enjoy. In other terms, stop looking for the "one" and enjoy the life around them. Do you really think that someone who is meant to come into your life won't come into your life because you weren't looking for them? You have to trust that if God wants it to happen, then it will happen! I'm not exactly sure if this is correct or not but it's how I see it. If you imagined looking from God's perspective (which we really can't do) and you see yourself looking in every direction but His….how would that make Him feel? And how would that hinder your trust in Him? There you are, looking for that special someone and here's God handing you SO MUCH MORE plus that special someone (in good time). I mean really, is there really any comparison there?

We are all very small in the grand scheme of things. We individually, cannot find the cure for cancer, we cannot save a falling government, we cannot stop war, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, you get the idea. We have very little control over events that happen in our lives. So why not heavily focus on the things we do have control over? How about, how we choose to live our day-to-day lives.

These are choices we make every day:
~ Who we want to love
~ Who we want to turn our backs to
~How much we want to involve God in our life that day
~ How we want to feel; happy, enraged, hopeful, depressed…
~What we want to accomplish

If you feel satisfied constantly focusing on something you're not in arms reach of, then by all means, continue. But I imagine that the bulk of people are not. I know I'm not. So don't spend all of your time looking for someone to date just for the sake of dating. You have a lot more to contribute to this world and much more self worth than to wrap your mind around those consuming thoughts of loneliness. It makes me incredibly sad to see people out there, who feel they are less because they don't have a significant other by their side.

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