Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Everyone is talking about the new year and rightfully so because it is New Years Day. But what gets me, and I know it's because of what happened last year, is that people are entirely focused on what is going to happen in 2014. The unexpected can happen any moment of any day and you're only the first day into it. Though, that's not to be confused with New Years resolutions, I have several myself. But I'm not looking to the new year. As far as I'm concerned, it's just a year. People have enough to figure out today. They shouldn't even be worrying about tomorrow yet. So why would they worry about the coming year? From my perspective, there are 364 days left. If anyone thinks they can control all 364 days, they are dead wrong. Make goals but don't let them overtake what truly matters in life. And I say this for the reason I always say it….

Jacob had a very severe Asthma attack the night before New Years Eve. It came on suddenly and nobody expected it. He hasn't had respiratory difficulties like this for a very long time. Even with his BiPAP machine and his oxygen levels turned to the highest setting on his concentrator, he still could not breathe well on his own. As I've mentioned, typically stable oxygen saturation is 92-100. He was barely holding 87. And that was with help from his machines.

In addition, with the previous post, I talked about infection. After his respiratory infection was gone, his incision site became infected. He was put on an antibiotic but my parents didn't think it was working. They took him back to the hospital yesterday and a different doctor (his main one is on vacation)  said it looked great. Today, he has an open hole on his incision site no bigger than a pencil eraser. But a hole, nonetheless and it will not heal by itself. That said, the concept of the new year really doesn't mean much to me; the next hour, yes. As long as I have God by my side, I should not fear anything coming my way. Which is why I really haven't given a whole lot of thought to 2014. I'm just looking to get through today.

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