Sunday, January 26, 2014

Attention All Blog Readers!

I think it is about time that I start acknowledging the readers of this blog. As a personal note from me to you, I want this blog's purpose to serve as a place for giving glory and thanks to God. No matter what happens in a given week, with trust in God, you and I will always be okay.

 If you're reading this blog, and you feel bad for my family then I am not doing this correctly. I don't want you to feel sadness, I want you to feel joy for the life you have and know that I praise the Lord for the life I have. Preserving Life started out as something I shared with my Facebook friends and family. But it has grown much bigger. For me, being only a college student who has no idea where she's going in life…to have 13 countries regularly view this blog is amazing to me. This is not a blog to share my struggles and highlight my strengths. Nor is it a place to put forth my faults. It is to inspire you to have hope and faith in Jesus Christ. For life is a glorious journey when you walk with the Lord…

Ephesians 2:8~

With that, I hope everyone has a richly blessed and joyous week!

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