Wednesday, January 15, 2014

From My Heart to His

~A few nights ago while I was praying, I started writing and this was the result:

My Dear Little Brother

My dear little brother,
How do we even compare?
You were born with a love of God,
So whole-hearted and true
It’s a faith you keep to yourself
But spreads to the many souls who think of you

To me I’d think
This is no life for a boy
Though you assure me,
You are full of joy.

You show me never to question,
The work of our great God
So here I am
My dear little brother
Loving you a thousand miles away
Knowing that the God above,
Is watching out for you everyday

It gives me great comfort
For your surgery day
You’ve taught me well
My dear little brother
That this love He has
Will never go away

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