Friday, January 17, 2014


Explaining the surgery; attempt 2:

When someone has a mic-key button or a g tube that goes into the stomach directly, a type of cone-shaped device is placed with it. Since the tube is being placed into the stomach to feed, there has to be a way to block the tube feeding/nutrients from going into the intestines. If anything were to leak, it would cause a life threatening infection.

In relevant terms, the stomach and the abdominal  wall is what was fused together. Not the stomach and the abdominal cavity. The normalcy for you and I would be to have the stomach and abdominal wall separated. Since his is not, the surgeon went in and stapled his actual stomach by folding it over to create a definite division between the stomach and the abdominal wall. Then the surgeon went ahead and stapled the actual hole closed. As the picture below shows, there is still a definitive abdominal wall. As well as, the lining of the stomach. It's clear to see the separation. With Jacob, those became one.

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