Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nowhere but up

Alright so I have some tough news. The procedure Jacob went through and was in the hospital for was not successful. It looked like it was really healing and that we were in the clear but that doesn't seem to be the case. According to my mom, 'his site looks good one day and bad the next.' For every bad day, it's a setback. He may have good days but the damage done on the bad days will overtake the good days. I'm not going to get emotional about this, it takes a lot of energy to do that and I need to focus my energy elsewhere.

God is going to carry through whatever he has planned for my brother. It can be frustrating, upsetting, and confusing all in this moment but God has never let us down and never will. He will take care of both my brother and my family. So where do we go from here? Nowhere but up. Interpret it how you will. I don't want to say that my baby brother may earn his wings this way. Putting a limit on him is not right. So I'm leaving that one up to God. With all considered, one thing needs to be remembered. When you embrace God's love you truly can go nowhere but up. For my lack of words tonight, I feel this song best conveys what I'm attempting to say. No matter the situation at hand, knowing God is by your side and His love for you is unmeasurable, should put a smile in your eyes, as you do for God.

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