Thursday, September 19, 2013

Love at first sight

Love....such a beautiful thing it is. I think as humans we sometimes forget it's all around us. It is not just categorized by a significant other, it is the life we've been given and the people we have (romantically or not). The experiences we are blessed with, the things we can do, learning what our passions, strengths, and even flaws are. That is the beauty of the soul, to be perceptive of ourselves; our imperfections that make us who we are as individuals. Put another way, we are that person that God personally chose to walk the Earth. Though, remember that's not be confused with our sin. That is not beautiful.

I'm feeling inspired tonight, partly because of this movie I watched but also because I have been "struggling" with this thought of love. In grade school there's an endless pressure to be in a relationship. Nobody ever told me that it would continue in college but be even more intense. Especially down south; everyone marries a lot younger down here. It's acceptable to be engaged at 23 and married by 24. I'm not used to that, not by any means. However, the south has altered my values a bit. Up north, I thought it was "cool" to date a lot of people. Not so much anymore....I'd rather date a few guys that I really like and find the one then date every guy and their brother just to find the one. I'm no different than other girls, everyone wants to find their soulmate and they don't want to have to look for very long.

My point of all of this jibber jabber is that there is an entire world out there. We are choosing to view it out of the smallest lens available to us. When I mention how I'm focused on love (specifically a significant other) I'm not really seeing, I'm looking. Here's another term for you....this one is from my beloved Psychology class; inattentional blindness. Your brain has a difficult time processing visual and auditory information at the same time. That is where "attention" comes into play. You may be looking at someone but are not focused, or paying attention to what they are saying to you. That's a lot like life from my own personal perspective. We are looking but we aren't really seeing. Sure, I'm going through the days living life but I'm looking at couples, cuddling, the date nights....what I don't have. That's the visual information. The life I am living, what God has put around me has taken a back seat. It is the auditory information that isn't being processed.

I know you don't care what I think, I'm one person. So look at it in a general sense. When tragedy strikes, you begin to reflect on what happened in the moments leading up to that particular event. You don't want to reflect on wasted thoughts. Wasted, in a sense that they were really insignificant all along, you just didn't pay attention. There was something else whether it be an experience or emotion that became your main focus which was always temporary.

So as I final thought and/or request, what you have been given is all you have so enjoy what has been given and patiently wait for the Lord to answer the unseen desires of your heart. There are others around you who love you and that should be just as meaningful. That is why you need to get to know the world around you because there is a lot to it. Literally every day I am shown one of my many blessings. They are blessings that I always had from God but never took to the time to notice. Right there----> He loves you. God. Remember that.

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