Friday, September 13, 2013

This could be it

Jacob was admitted to the hospital Wednesday and will be there for about two weeks. Possibly one week depending on how well he does. But not to worry! It is the answer to our prayers that he's there, because the surgeons have removed his gj tube. In simple terms, his feeding site that has been such an issues for 11 months is hopefully coming to an end. With the removal of the gj tube, they are taking the tube out of the jejunum. This will allow the stoma (big hole) to close without fear of any leakage. So far, his site has been dry since the tube has been removed. There are no dressings, foam, or binders on him...for once, it's just his shirt on his back covering the hole.

~~~Now of course he still has to obtain nutrients, so they have put an nj tube in:
This tube is placed through the nose and down into the stomach. There is another tube (the g tube) which is placed in the jejunum as a "guideline" for how small they want the hole to heal up to. Evidently they will place another tube in when the hole begins to close but they need it to stay a certain size in order to get the new tube in.

This is more than a new tube placement though...for Jacob, this is his childhood back. He will be able to play on the floor like he loves to do, he can go to school without his massive binder attached, and go back to breathing without his oxygen on every minute, of everyday. Those mucus plugs that I would write about, stopping his breathing will not be as common of a problem (or shouldn't be).
But there is a challenge to this....what Jacob is going through right now. This is his battle, nobody can do this for him. We will never understand what it's like to lay in a hospital bed for two weeks knowing you cannot get up. School is his favorite place to be (most days). And for someone who enjoys school so much, he certainly misses a lot of it. I pray to God that he doesn't feel much pain from this procedure that has been done and that perhaps the time will pass by quickly. I should also add, the risk for a respiratory infection is almost absolute. The hospital he is at, does not provide the best respiratory care. Every time he is there we have a problem getting his breathing treatments on time. No treatments/medications = sick baby. But again, I'm trusting God to take care of him. 

He's been through so much and is continuing to go through more but this might actually be the end to his battle, for real now. To have Jacob's stomach healed is not only a miracle but my favorite saying: a divine blessing. This is worth every Christmas, birthday, and any present I could ever receive from anyone for the rest of my life. The joy in my heart and soul that my brother can live on from this life threatening killer, is beyond words for me. It's been a roller coaster with procedures failing and working, then failing again. But of course the question will be asked...what if it doesn't work? Well my friends, we will deal with that when the time comes. I write this blog tonight celebrating yet another chance for my brother.

This blog has been viewed all over the world and to everyone who has ever had my family in their thoughts and/or prayers, I want to thank you. I want you to know that whatever you did means more to me then you will ever understand. I do not have to know you to value your support and prayers. You all have gotten my family and I through some rough times. I am not here today writing this post without the help of you all and your faith. 

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