Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quick Notice

I have not stopped blogging about Jacob indefinitely but I will not be able to release any detailed information on his condition at this time. I can say though, that he may be getting rid of the GJ tube and have a better tube placed soon.

What I really want to get excited about is my other brother's leukemia test came back negative! My mother made me aware of this after Christmas Day and it has been a constant worry ever since. He has Down Syndrome; who knew that an extra chromosome could increase his chances for the most deadliest leukemia out there because of it.


Just wanted to do a quick update. Life has been exceedingly busy over the last week so I have not had time to post much. In addition, due to specific circumstances I cannot post about Jacob's current state. But again, thank you all for your support! It truly means a lot to me :) 

Have a wonderful weekend and make your time last.
Oh...and remember God is always with you. He loves you all ~ Celeste Anne

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