Friday, July 12, 2013

You deserve to be happy

When something in life isn't going your way~ your significant other just ended the relationship you tried so desperately to salvage, you fail a test, you don't get the job you want, your top college doesn't accept you, you lose a best friend, or you are simply just having a bad day....I want you to think back to this song. It's very personal to me as it relates to my thought process I go through every day. It reminds me that I have everything that I need in this life and so do you.

In my opinion, the simple life is the best life. And believe me, that's not something I learned over night.  Am I going to have hard times...yeah. Are YOU going to have tough situations? Of course, but you will push through them and come out on the other side with faith and a true understanding of hope. It might take a bit of work on your part but it will be worth it. God doesn't offer empty promises, he's there whether you want him there or not and hopefully you need Him....through the good and the bad times.

I'm writing this post tonight because my life is so different. Suddenly, having my friends and family happy, safe, and healthy is what makes my day. I don't need superficial, materialistic items to supply my happiness. That is an empty form of joy and it's nothing like what the Lord can give you when you share his love and allow yourself to see and embrace His love for you.

With all said, my brother is doing well right now....he was stable today. But there is someone else who is near and dear to my heart that is currently undergoing testing for cancer. It came out of the blue; there were scab-like markings on their scalp and they knew they didn't hit their head. These markings have been there for a few months and something alarmed them to get it checked out. I pray to God every night that it's not cancer but it's out of my control. With all considered, don't view this song as a negative perspective rushing you to live your life. I want you to see it as a song showing you the most basic things in life taken for granted hold the greatest meaning when you really take the time to appreciate what's around you. It's like what Gillaume Apollinaire says, "Now and then it's good to stop in your pursuit of happiness and just be happy." Don't always focus on what is going to make you happy, focus on what is making you happy this day, because what (and by what I also mean who) makes you happy today may not be here tomorrow.

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