Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Quick update on the new doctor

Jacob met with his new surgeon today and he will definitely be going back into surgery within the next week or so. His surgeon told us that his site will never heal on its own, contrary to what our previous surgeon said. In a way this is both good and bad news. More so, just really tough to take in. With this surgery they are going to have to close up the hole in his stomach all together; without any tubes. Then, the surgeon will create a new stoma to put a new tube in, that's assuming the sutures hold his old stoma closed.

Another problem lies within the fact that he has a trac. I've mentioned before that he is extremely prone to pneumonia because he cannot clear his lungs by himself; he requires a bit of extra help from the cough-assist and suction machines on top of moving around. Since he will have to be in the hospital about five days after his surgery, the real battle becomes fighting to keep pneumonia from forming (we won't be able to take him out of bed.)  Our last surgeon said that this is a "major surgery" but I guess we won't know that until the day he goes in. Then we will know. So until then, I continue to pray for this unknown journey that is approaching. I trust in God completely and know he will take care of this, no matter what happens.

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