Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Prayer For All

Today is just one of "those" days…so Hallelujah to our God!

No matter what happens on any given day, know that Jesus is right by your side and you will get through whatever trial has been placed in front of you. It could be something really simple like getting lost in a really bad section of the inner city, like I did today, or something more complex like a family/friend's health and maybe even our own health.

The point I'm trying to make is that I think we all need to remember who we are living for. I know I don't always show God's love and shame on me (much more evidently). But if we can wake up and give praise and glory to God, the one whose love is incomprehensible to us, then what a blessed day it will be! Truth be told, sometimes the littlest of trials are set up to prepare us for the much bigger ones to come.

Just think about it….hallelujah is such a beautiful word…

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