Thursday, February 27, 2014

Short and Sweet Praise

Good evening Blogger readers, wherever you are in the world! I hope everyone is having a glorious week so far and continues to enjoy what's left. I wanted to write this now because I will be doing a lot of traveling throughout next week and know that I won't have time to write anything. So here are a few quick points/updates:

~This has been a tough week…though I must say, it's easier to enjoy these little troubles because they are not life or death situations.

~My health hasn't been up to par for the past few weeks and I will probably be going in for some scans when I return to school. I like to think of it as ruling out the worst case scenario to get to the root of the problem, which will be less serious. (I'm really leaning towards the idea that my Asthma probably isn't as controlled as it should be.)

~Just wanted to say a quick hello and praise God for another week. My brothers (all of them) are doing very well; happy and healthy like we like to hear!

**Also, if you need a little love and encouragement for music, I suggest you look up "No Other Name" by Big Daddy Weave. It's not on Youtube (at least that I've found) but you can hear it on Pandora, Spotify or iTunes.

So with that, have a blessed rest of the day and a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Prayer For All

Today is just one of "those" days…so Hallelujah to our God!

No matter what happens on any given day, know that Jesus is right by your side and you will get through whatever trial has been placed in front of you. It could be something really simple like getting lost in a really bad section of the inner city, like I did today, or something more complex like a family/friend's health and maybe even our own health.

The point I'm trying to make is that I think we all need to remember who we are living for. I know I don't always show God's love and shame on me (much more evidently). But if we can wake up and give praise and glory to God, the one whose love is incomprehensible to us, then what a blessed day it will be! Truth be told, sometimes the littlest of trials are set up to prepare us for the much bigger ones to come.

Just think about it….hallelujah is such a beautiful word…

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Correction on the Medical Study

Sunday….my favorite day of the week! There are two quick things I want to share:

To start out, I made a mistake when explaining the procedure Jacob is having this month. It is NOT a bronch study, it is a modified barium swallow study. I was totally off haha. I heard "bronch" on the phone…I'm not sure how. Anyways, that's what it is. Food is coated with barium and is swallowed. Then a special team or radiologists observe the x ray or fluoroscopy (whichever is used) while Jacob is swallowing. Hopefully this will offer his doctors insight as to why he has an asthma attack every time he swallows. This study will be performed Wednesday….we are all hoping and praying for the best.

So on to more exciting news….JACOB'S 5TH BIRTHDAY IS THIS SATURDAY!!!!!
It's crazy to think that we are approaching February 15th so soon! There were multiple days over the summer and even this past fall where we weren't sure he was going to see his next birthday. There are truly no words to describe how thankful I am for the gift of my brother's life. He brings this family nothing but love and joy~ as do all of my brothers.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Expect the Unexpected" as they say...

I think this counts as my first car accident. That is, if you can really call it that.

Early Monday morning, I was coming off of the highway onto an unfamiliar road and it happened to be raining really hard. I was turning and I had to stomp on my breaks for something happening ahead, and all of a sudden my car lost its grip on the road and spun out of control. They say you're supposed to turn with it so I thought I did but I wound up spinning in the other direction.

It's unexpected events like this that make me stop and look at everything around me. Last Sunday I was sitting in church listening to the pastor read Ephesians, came home and made cookies, watched movies and was thinking about how joyous the day was. Needless to say, I didn't see this coming. I imagine nobody ever does.

When I looked to my left and saw 4 lanes of oncoming traffic and looked to my right and saw cars speeding off the highway towards my out of control car, a question crossed my mind that on any other day would be so far fetched: "Am I going to die?" I really thought I was. I couldn't find a way to avoid the oncoming cars but I still did (I'm sure I had an angel's help) and my car and I came out untouched….even though I landed in a ditch.

Though that ditch that God directed my car into evidently saved my life. So I'm just really happy to be here! It makes those feelings of annoyance and anger, that can surface throughout the week from petty things, as significant as a grain of rice.