Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's all good

THIS IS THE LIFE! For the first time in many months, my biggest concern is school. I cannot even begin to explain how blessedly awesome that is! All of my brothers are stable and doing well. Usually we only get a week of that but it's been two weeks going on three! I'm grateful for every extra day God gives us with this new found freedom. I truly forgot what it feels like to have everyone in good health. You really cannot put a price on that.

That being said, Jacob was breathing on his own (without machines) on Sunday, my other brother with the infected lip is in school and absolutely thriving. My parents thought that his lip was going to give us serious trouble again but it seems to be holding for now. To continue with the good news, Jacob has started bollis feeding again! I'll try to explain as best as I can….

His nj tube had clogged and they went and removed it because the feeds he was getting through his g tube in his stomach (by machine) were staying in and there were no signs of leaks. After the nj tube was removed he started receiving the bollis. Basically it is just a giant plastic syringe that you put the feedings through. The syringe connects to a port opening in the g tube and voilĂ ! Jacob receives his fluids, medications, and feedings. According to my parents he is much happier this way ( I think I would be to). The reason being, he is being fed all at once like most people are. With the routine machine feedings, he continuously receives a set rate of tube feeding over the course of 24 hours. His rate on the machine was 80. After his stay in the hospital they increased it to 95. Now, he doesn't even use the machine!

This truly feels like a fantasy to me. I was grateful and blessed (I still am) for the blessings given to me in hard times but now there's no thought of hospitalizations, surgeries, or doctors. It is the greatest feeling! My parents aren't juggling going back and forth between the hospital, work, and home. They can be with each other without having to separate and it's just too wonderful for words. I recognize that this may all be temporary but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

I felt joy within me throughout the rough times in the previous year so I ask myself what's different now in good times? And in truth, I don't have an answer. God is constant, He has been there through everything, He's been here through the good and the bad times. In essence, whether you feel you're in a good or bad place, every moment depends on what you make it. The grace God offers you in bad times doesn't change in good times because He is always by your side; that will never change. So, the moment is really all up to you…it is whatever you want to make of it.

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