Monday, November 18, 2013

The Wannabe Facebook Status

This past weekend I've been really down in the dumps. Sure, I've had my moments of pure happiness only given to me by the grace of God but somehow I still allowed myself to feel sad. Homesickness has definitely been the biggest struggle and today it slammed me. I didn't cry (almost) but I woke up sad with a heavy, lonesome feeling. Not even the Disney Parade soundtrack cheered me up (okay I lied, Disney helped a little.)

In addition, I've had some financial struggles affording groceries; turkey slices and cheese slices is what I've been living on for the past 2 weeks. I mean, it's food so no complaints here! But I ran out of them today and I felt the physical effects of not eating. I didn't know what I'd be able to afford~ I figured more turkey and cheese slices plus maybe a frozen meal. I just needed to eat and that was all I knew. 

So on the way to Target  K-LOVE Radio was playing and at first they were talking about a man who had a deadly form of brain cancer and how he learned family was the most important thing in this life (besides God.) He said something along the lines that 'If things go well, I got to spend more time with my daughter. If things go bad I got to spend more time with my daughter." I almost lost it at that point because I am far away from my family and I understand how important they truly are. But then they mentioned this bible verse: "I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or living in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." ~Philippians 4:12

Not only did God give me some much needed strength to push on through but he helped me realize that I need to be content because it is all going to be okay; God loves me and that's absolutely enough. In addition, He helped me out food wise~ there was a big sale on most gluten-free products at the store today.  

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