Saturday, September 5, 2015

Maybe it was Heaven

There is something about the word "inspire" that just stops me dead in my tracks. The only way I can even attempt to describe it is similar to when you see the sun reflecting off the water from the window on a plane. That spot where the water and sun meet, looks like perfect crystalline, almost as if there were diamonds shimmering on the water.

Bare with me for a second, words can be beautiful. Not so much by their sound (you know, because who honestly says that.) But if you dig deeper under the surface, not only to the actual meaning but to what it represents, you'll find that a simple word can have a significant impact on people.

The top definition provided by is:
Inspire: To fill with an animating , quickening, or exalting influence.

But did you also know that many of the definitions provided by online dictionaries either mention the word "divine" or use God as an example? How amazing is that?

The work God does through people inspires me...the people who are in a place that the Holy Spirit may work through them inspires me. To inspire is a gift and how could it not be? There is no such thing as negative inspiration, that would be temptation. Which is probably why I imagine only the light of Jesus when thinking of inspiration.

But what really got me thinking was an image God showed me while praying earlier this week. There have been some events on my heart lately that have been slowly chipping away at it. One night I was having a particularly hard time coping with them. I had just closed my eyes, to try and clear my mind and let God show me what He wanted me to see. So just like that, I was walking through a field of the most beautiful flowers; there was every color there; sky blue; magenta; bright yellow; shades of green; purple; and many! I didn't see the grass, but I saw the flower bed with grass and then I saw myself.

I was dressed in a white laced dress with my hair free flowing with not a single split end in sight. The red absolutely glowed. My eyes were the shade of blue they become when I am really happy, (I've been told they look like an ocean) and my smile was the way I smile up at God in the sky. Honestly, it must have been Heaven because I don't look good in lace, ever (haha it is true though, I don't.) Though, there was something so angelic and peaceful about that image. I couldn't ignore the bright light surrounding me; it wasn't where you could see an actual outline but my whole being was glowing, my skin almost pure white. The best part of that whole scene was that Jesus was right in front of me and I was walking towards Him.

I just remember seeing that and thinking 'this is who I want to be and how I want my life to look.' Pure; beautiful; and me running to Jesus knowing He will carry me through everything. In that paradise, I think I was finally living up to my name~ Celeste which means heavenly. Or the Spanish translation which is a specific type of blue; one often associated with Heavenly skies.

But there is even a greater part to this....the song that was playing through this entire setting. "Gabrielle" by Doug Hammer, brings me an overwhelming feeling of joy and contentment (I feel heartened just getting to write about it.) The melody continues to play over and over again in my mind and instantly brings me right back to this place with Jesus. I have never had a song do something to that extent before. To finish if off, there is no outside influences It was me and Him which is how it always should be. Of course there are many people in our lives but ultimately God gets priority. With that said, we tell each other we love Him but do we show Him we do?