Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Seeking Purpose in Life

Take one deep breath and feel the placidity resting contently in your soul. It's an overwhelming feeling of hope and love from God whose love you could never comprehend. Your next breath is so precious as it is another moment for you to experience the joy of knowing there is so much to live for in this life. Every breath you take, every step you make; the words you say; it's all an opportunity to to live for something extraordinary.

The truth is, I could write countless stories about the people I have met along my journey in Orlando and the lessons I have learned from my trials encountered. But that is my personal journey and there is little significance when your heart is open.  In other words, it is not "just" the people I have met or "just" the experiences that I have had. For it is in fact those moments I spend praying on the bus before the work day begins, or the nights spent reflecting on life struggles that give life purpose. If there was one thing that I have learned throughout my time here, it would be that everything in life is temporary. The only one who remains constant in our lives is God and His love follows us wherever we go.

It seems so simple, that a bright person would be able to grasp such a concept right away. But to my own dismay it has taken me until this very moment to realize the most awe-inspiring concept. It "clicked" in my brain that God is not a long distance friend that we have to worry about losing some day. He is for us and not against us and will never leave us.

Bad things happen, as it is just a part of life. Though reflecting upon some recent times, there is nowhere that I see myself getting through without God's help. It is wonderful to dream; have desires and passions that reach beyond what anyone can see. But those dreams will carry you to all different places, with all new people, for a certain amount of time. One place you may make home and unexpectedly you can find yourself away from that home in an instant. So where do you go from there? My comfort every day is not my familiar surroundings; it is not the coffee I look forward to drinking while waiting for the sun to rise. Although those play a role in making me feel comfortable I know that it is God who is my constant.

~Cocoa Beach, FL at dawn.