Tuesday, May 6, 2014

With you God, I'm ready for anything

It's here, it's finally here....that moment every one who has ever been to college talks about. That one moment that seems untouchable and impossible to experience. You've spent countless months  wondering if you've done something wrong; perhaps if you had taken opportunity A you would have opportunity B, the opportunity of a lifetime in your hand. But like everything else, good things take time. Lots and lots of time. Lets not forget about the patience, those days where you're so tired you feel nauseated, or the frustration of failure. In fact, I bet that those are the days you think about when you reflect on the journey. My mom always says "It's not the destination that matters, it's the journey that takes you to the destination that does."

Granted, I have my times where I become a whiney college student about the typical problems. Not finding my prince charming, being disappointed in a friend, a strict professor...you know the temporary problems of life. Things that won't last forever. Think where we would be if we spent that time thinking about the things that will last forever...God's love for us, our trust in Him, His forgiveness, the love of our family/friends, and joy.

Just because we aren't happy every moment of every day does not mean we will lose the ability to be happy forever. As long as our joy comes from the right source, the Lord, then we will always have it burning bright in our hearts and souls! I certainly have things I'd like to change...like family members to stay on this Earth longer and not be sick, the amount of children I see being neglected and abused, and being able to see every depressed person smile again. But that's just not how life works.

Life is a constant balancing act. You can't be too nice but you can't be too mean either. You're going to have your sad days but there needs to be joy and love in there as well. In addition, you can't be too focused on the future but you also can't put so much intensity on the moment that you miss out on an opportunity coming in the future. If you try to do everything 'in the moment' you'll drive yourself insane.
~Are you overwhelmed yet? I'm sure grateful we have our entire lives to strive to figure this out!

So why this random spurt of inspiration do you ask?

We need to remember that the Lord doesn't forget what we want more than anything. Maybe we've hit that point where we are in a routine and are waiting for that exciting, 'life can go on now' moment. But we can't have that moment if God is not at the center of our quest. If we are depending on some big opportunity to remind us why we are here and doing what we are doing then we have it all wrong. That big opportunity that eventually comes is a gift. It is something that we are able to receive because we are following the Lord and this is what His will is for us. So with that said, I wanted to share this song. Although I think this is more of a love song, I think it can be "we" as in God and you. Remember~ the most important and valuable thing you can do is pray!
